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01 October 2013

Family Festival Fun and a Bear Inspired Bento

I do love to create a little surprise for the Mini Mes to discover each day at school. 
Something to look forward to and a nice reminder that I am thinking about them and their day even though I'm not there in person.

Such a small thing like making food fun can make such a big difference to a child - I do hope that my attempts put a smile on their faces every lunch time!
I certainly enjoy creating their meals and trying to come up with imaginative new ideas for them to explore.

Today's lunch is bear themed...

For the sandwich (ham) I used 3 different sized circular cutters to create a head, snout and ears.
The snout is made from cheese and I've added eyes and a nose of raisins.

The crisps are prawn flavour Pom-Bears
The dessert is a chocolate Barny bear sponge 
I've added a cheese bear (made with a shaped cutter) and some raisins into a pot which Jamster will no doubt pretend are bear droppings and find hilarious!
I've added apple slices on bear food picks

I've also added a yogurt and orange juice in their lunch bags.

We met Barny bear at Lollibop over the summer and this themed lunch box was inspired by the great day out that we had as a family at the festival.

What inspires you when creating meals?

*This post is an entry for BritMums ‘Little Adventures Challenge’ in partnership with Barny, the bear-shaped snack providing a little discovery in every bite. Find out more about Barny here:*


  1. Ahhh it looks incredible. I bet it put a smile on their faces x

    1. It did! They have asked for the same theme again x

  2. Oh how cool the Bento snacks look like, good job!

  3. WOW!
    Puts our floppy sandwiches to shame.

    1. Hehe. I've become addicted to creating them nom! x

  4. Wow that looks like the best lunchbox ever! I do hope when POD goes to school I am able to create something so wonderful. I bet the Mini Mes have the biggest smiles on their faces! Best of luck with the competition and thank you for sharing with #whatsthestory

  5. oh wowee this is amazing! I have been to try Bento as my daughter loves what we call 'Picky Picky' meals where we use her plate that has different sections. I love the teddy bear theme. x

  6. Ahhh lovely! I too love being creative for my kids lunches - we have a huge selection of pastry cutters which I use on their sandwiches and toast! I am inspired by fairies and princesses for my girls at the mo and anything to do with football or space for my boys!

    1. Space is on the to do list ;) I've done hello kitty too but Minxy is a tom boy so no princesses boo :( x

  7. This is so fun! I need to get some cutters! x

    1. Thanks Kerry. I got a lot of mine from eBay stores x

  8. That is such a wonderful lunch box. What fun and what lucky children you have.
    Commenting for myself and on behalf of BritMums and thanking you for taking part.

  9. aw so cute, been doing some Bento for mine, just ordered some food picks from ebay, I think I get more excited than she does! :)

  10. How great is this? I love my daughter Bento box but it's a little too small. If I buy a bigger one I think i'd be better off with these kind of ideas! x

  11. Looks perfect! I need more bento accessories!

    Thanks for linking up to #recipeoftheweek. I've Pinned and Stumbled this post, and there's a new #recipeoftheweek linky just gone live. I'd love you to pop over and join in again with another fab recipe post :)


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